Nose surgery Could Be Signs of Mental Illness

Not like the shape of the nose and obsessed memperindahnya? According to researchers from Belgium, it could be a sign that you are experiencing mental disorders. This condition is known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

That is a condition characterized by excessive concern over the 'flaws' linked to physical appearance. As reported from, research shows there is prevalence of BDD symptoms with high rates of rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. Some symptoms are also known to have a negative impact on daily life.

Research over the past 16 months, published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 'included 226 patients aged 16 years and over. They never consulted a plastic surgeon associated with the desire to improve the shape of the nose with plastic surgery.

From some patients, one wants to improve the shape of the nose because of breathing problems, and only two percent showed symptoms of BDD. However, patients who really want to change the shape of the nose just for aesthetic reasons, as much as 43 percent showed symptoms of BDD.

Mental disorders are common in people already operated on his nose but continued to do a 'revision'. They usually always dissatisfied with his performance as a whole. Cosmetic surgeons by researchers are also advised not to perform surgery on patients who showed symptoms of BDD.

"It is a great mistake to offer plastic surgery on them (people with symptoms of BDD). That's because they will never be satisfied as good as any of his nose," said Dr. Phillip Haeck, a plastic surgeon specialist in Seattle, USA.

Body dysmorphic disorder tend to be common in women than in men. Other symptoms are feelings of shame that always comes up and avoid being in public spaces or do not want to spend time with friends and family.

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Nose surgery Could Be Signs of Mental Illness